Sunday, January 12, 2014

What a wonderful day it was!

I had such a fantastic day, yesterday! My husband and I left early and went to Austin for the Farmer's Market. I must have walked around there for an hour just looking at all of the different stalls. There are so many things that I want to try out for myself! I did forget to ask how much it would cost for us to get a stall for Pie though. The gorgeous weather really did bring out a lot of fantastic vendors.

Afterwards, we went and had lunch in the mall. There's this Thai food vendor in the mall's food court who has the best Thai barbeque chicken. It tastes exactly like the stuff back home in Hawaii. It reminds me of many lazy weekends at the beach. Family friends, or just random people we met, cooking out on the grill while the children played in the surf. This chicken tastes just like that!

Next, we used about a $100 that I had been saving to get the husband some new shirts and a sweater. I HATE clothes shopping, with a passion. Yes, I know that females supposedly love to shop but that's just not me. When we went into Dillard's, we noticed how there was someone in each section to help the men shop. They acted like little personal shopping assistants. Let me tell you, if us girls had that, I'd never leave the store! That $100 got my husband 5 shirts and one sweater from Sears, Penney's and Dillard's combined. We hit the jackpot yesterday.

With our market purchases on ice, and my husband's purchases in the trunk, we headed out into town just to explore a bit. My husband found two places that host the role play games (such as Dungeons and Dragons) that he likes so much. Oh, I really do want him to start doing stuff like that again. I know I teased him about finding "his people" but he absolutely lit up to be in a room of people that had similar interests to his. I would love if he'd get out more and be on the computer less, really. And, I think in the long run, he'd be happier for it, too.

We put a search term into Google and went exploring Austin for a while, too. Oh my! We wound up in many random parts of town that we didn't even know were there. It was great! We even wound up finding a "metaphysical" (a.k.a. psychic) fair. I sat down with one reader who was about as psychic as my left toe, but it sure was nice talking to her anyway. She had a very calming state about her.

Over all, it was a great day yesterday. I hope that everybody finds joy in their weekend. For now, it's back to work!

Tell me, what is one of your most recent adventures?

1 comment:

  1. ????

    We do have personal shopping assistants. They're called "credit cards".

    Now that your husband has new friends, we can be alone. *sticks her tongue out at your husband cause she's never gonna forget he called her evil six years ago*
