Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Five Reasons to Hire At Home Workers

Back when I was working through LiveWork, I completely believed in the concept, and I still do. I loved what I did and I championed the work at home workforce every place that I went. I still firmly believe that LiveWork did not market their product correctly. They marketed mostly to companies that operate solely online, and they didn't expound enough on the benefits of the at home workforce. 

Now, I have a lot of people on my G+ feed that happen to be leaders in business. So, let me explain the benefits a company receives from the at home workforce.

1. In a traditional office setting, your workforce works from 8 am to 5 pm, or hours like that. Your at home workforce works around the clock. While many keep the traditional office hours, many others work all through the night instead of during the day. During the day they attend to their families needs and at night, they tend to yours. 

2. Many at home workers are, by nature, workaholics. We have to be. Our industry is so new right now that any job we have is not stable so we have to hold two or three of them at one time just so that we know we can count on our income for the next month or so. We use our time wisely. The companies that give us the better treatment receive more of our time and hard work. Notice I said better treatment, not better income. A company can pay $50 an hour but to the at home workforce, this is nothing if that company has no respect for the sacrifice of time, effort and energy that the at home workforce gives to them. In other words, treat them well and they'll rock it out for you time and again. How could your company benefit from having a small team of workaholics on your payroll?

3. The work at home workforce is extremely flexible. You can ask us to do one thing today and if you need something else tomorrow, we're there and we're ready to go. 

4. The work at home workforce often supplies our own equipment. We pay our own phone bills, electric bills, and Internet bills. We buy our own computers, phones, and headsets. We pay the bill for the building we work in (our homes.) Some companies, in the interest of security, will supply the computers to their work at home workforces, others have strict requirements that must be met. How much money could your call center save if you used a distributed (work at home) workforce? No lease. No maintenance. No equipment. How much could your company save if the people who did your data entry did it from home each day? What about your accountants? In fact, there are very few jobs that can not be completed by a distributed workforce.

5. Your distributed (work at home) workforce will often work at much less cost than your traditional workforce. Why? Flexibility; we don't have to drive all over town to get to our jobs. If you give us flexible scheduling as well, then we have the ability to work our jobs around our families instead of working our families around our jobs. That alone is invaluable! For this reason, we're often willing to work at a lower rate. Now if the company insists on a strict schedule, we'll want a bit more but we'd still be less costly than the traditional employees. 

These are just five reasons why you should consider using a distributed workforce, also referred to as a work at home workforce, within your company. In actuality, there are too many reasons, from environmental to nation economics, to be able to count in a brief article. I fully believe that a distributed workforce is the workforce of the future. I'm just waiting for everybody else to catch up to us!

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