Friday, January 31, 2014

The week sure did go by fast!

It's been a few days since I've last written. Sorry about that. I'd like to say that I had gotten busy but in reality, I didn't really. I had some on-site editors here the past couple of days and I think I used that as an excuse to procrastinate a bit. At least I can be honest with myself, and you guys, about that.

I have a tight schedule set up for today, and next week. I have to do back to back editor interviews all day long. I hate editor interviews! I tend to schedule them all for one day just to get them over with.

Then, on Monday and Tuesday of next week, it's editor training. On Wednesday, it's the optional Writer's class. Every time I do these trainings online, I wind up having an asthma attack. So, I've gotten to the point where I just don't like to do them anymore.

The end of the month is here, thankfully. Tomorrow, it's a day of invoicing and payroll. We also have to get house chores completed tomorrow, too. We're doing Farmer's Market on Sunday this week. I can't wait! This one shares space with a flea market. Yay! You have no clue how long it's been since I've been to a flea market. It's not highly likely that we'll get anything, what with us being broke and all, but just to know that we could.

Another change to our happy household is that we got two new guinea pigs! These things are the cutest things ever. I'm about to let them go run around the bathroom for a short while. They are MESSY though. I didn't think about that when I picked them up from the shelter. They're getting used to their new environment, and we're getting used to them, so it's all good.

Well, I'm out for the day. I have interviews starting in just a few moments. Enjoy your day and remember, no matter how hectic it gets...

It's Friday!!!!

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