Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ready.... set..... is it sleep time yet?

Why did I do this to myself? I scheduled classes for three days in a row! UGH. I am exhausted and would love to cancel today's class to sleep. That's not happening, though. On top of that, I forgot that one of the attendees will be coming here for the course, instead of joining us via Skype. My house is a total wreck. We skipped the majority of the chores this past weekend and you can definitely tell! It's too late for me to run around like a mad woman on a cleaning spree, though, so I'm just going with the flow today.

New writers all have the same concerns, and get overwhelmed with the same stuff. So hopefully, we can cover the minor things quickly and then go over the more confusing stuff in depth.

I'd complain some more but really, what good would it actually do? This is how things go. Honestly, I'm thankful to have work to do! Sure, I complain a whole lot but when it comes down to it, I'm not broke or broken. I have a purpose every morning that I wake up. On top of that, I have the most amazing teams possible. Life is good!

Well, here we go. Getting ready for the merry go round that is class time! Have a great day, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. If they complain about anything, literally anything, flunk 'em.

    Then mock them as they leave, shame-faced and broken.

    Hey, where the heck are the numbers? When I comment I demand random numbers to punch in! This travesty will not stand!
