Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thank heavens for Thursday!

You know, I went to bed last night with all sorts of wonderful ideas of things that I wanted to write about today. I wasn't smart enough to write them down, though, and so now I have forgotten them all over again. The good news is, though, that I have finally SLEPT! Oh my heavens, you have no clue how good it is to sleep. The not sleeping thing from the past few days wasn't because I wasn't tired. It was, quite simply, because different things kept waking me up. Tweedles would get hyper in their cage or one of the dogs would start barking, or the wind would be blowing the trees against the side of the house or some thing or another.

Oh, I was so exhausted that I was falling asleep while working on things! Ever try to work on accounting mid-snore? It doesn't work out quite so well. I honestly have absolutely no clue how I've arrived at the numbers I got yesterday.

And writing just doesn't happen. Emails, texts, blog posts, book; it doesn't matter what type of writing. Just the mere attempt winds up looking like some psychotic gibberish leaked through.

Driving wasn't too smart, either.

I did sit the husband and daughter down last night and tried to impart the wisdom of taking care of house and animals while I'm gone next month. I don't know. I think I may need to hire a house sitter!

Well, time for me to get busy again. I need to call the bank and see if there's any way that they can put a rush on a wire transfer that is coming. Client sent it a day late so hoping that I can get BoA to get it to me on time. I doubt it. They're about as useful as a wet noodle in a gun fight.


  1. Would you please take care of yourself? You need to sleep and stay healthy.

    As for hiring a house sitter, have you considered threats? They seem to work wonders when I want Goof to do something.

    1. Well, I certainly wasn't not sleeping by choice! Just so many little things making noise all night and day. Thankfully, though, everything is settling down now.

      As for threats, those don't work unless I'm actually here! LOL
