Monday, February 17, 2014

The roller coaster seems to be starting now...

Friday warped into Saturday decently enough. The weekend really was pretty nice. We went to a class on how to make jerky on Saturday. I hung out with a friend on Sunday morning then just came home and vegged out for a while. The weekend flew by way too quickly though.

The arrival of Monday was also the arrival of payday. I normally love payday. Sure, there are a lot of little steps that I go through to make sure everything gets done, but the end result is that I get to feel as though I'm giving money away. That's always fun!

Paypal decided to be a pain in the ass this time. I mean, really! What normally takes 30 minutes took nearly two hours because of all of the captchas and phone verifications they made me do.

Now, I need to run out to the store to get a few things here but I just know that the very moment I swipe my card, anywhere, Bank of America is going to freeze the account. They've done it every month for nearly two years now. Oh well. It must be done. (bleh)

I'm not sure if I'll be able to go get Bear in March or not. I really want to but it's going to be a very tight squeeze. I'm going through all of our expenses now to see where I can tighten and trim things up for a short while.

Already, I'm counting pennies and looking forward to payday. Yep. I'm getting me at least a part time job online! This counting pennies stuff isn't gonna work for me for very long. 

I was offered a new line group through LiveOps back in January. I only just now found the email! I've written to see if I can get it offered again. My fingers are crossed. 

And for those playing along at home, yes, my moods are a bit out of whack lately. Gonna head to the gym either tonight or tomorrow. Maybe I'll just do a small workout here at home. I really haven't decided yet. I just know that I need to do something because I'm not my normal sort of crazy right now.

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